Extra: Listen to this podcast by Tennis IQ on managing stressful situations: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8yYzBkOTI5OC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/ZDA4YWExMTAtZTRhNy00MjkyLTlkMzAtNDViN2U3Yzk1OGNl?ep=14

Purpose of the Challenge Ladder System: To enhance our team by creating real pressure match scenarios between our teammates and give us extra match experience. The challenge system is an aid to coaches who determine the line-up on a match-by-match basis.
Pro Tip: Coaches are required by TSSAA rules to rank players on match day in singles and doubles by order of tennis ability. The best player/players of the squad who wins the most consistently is at the top.
Challenge Guidelines
Each player may issue one challenge per week (Monday-Sunday) on Monday to a player ranked 1 place above them in the ranking system.
The challenge must be issued on a Monday and may be played on an agreed upon time throughout the week outside of normal practice times.
Challenge time availability includes 6am-9pm on Saturday and Sunday, 6am-7:30am Monday- Friday, 5:30pm - 9:30pm Mondays & Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30pm Tuesday & Thursdays, 3:30pm-9:30pm Fridays.
The challenged player must accept unless they are hurt or there is a time constraint for some reason, which should be reported to coaches.
If successful, the challenger may move up one ranking place in the ladder system.
If unsuccessful, the challenger cannot re-issue a challenge for two weeks from the Monday the challenge was issued.
Parents and Coaches may not participate in any way helping or coaching in a challenge match.
The challenge match will be one full No Ad Pro Set to 8. If players reach an 8-8 tie, a 7 point tiebreaker will be played.
A challenge match will NOT be played in the following situations: the day before a match, on wet tennis courts, below 32 degrees, or when an athlete is knowingly sick or injured as reported to a coach.
If a player gets hurt during the match, must leave, or quit for any reason once a challenge match has begun, they forfeit that match.
If a player is late to a challenge match, it will cost them the following: 5 mins late = loss of serve opportunity and loss of 1 point, 10 = mins late, loss of first serve opportunity and loss of first game, 15 minutes late = default loss of match. Don't be late to a challenge match.
Players will be afforded a 10 minute warmup together before the start of the match.
Players will shake hands after the match is over observing proper tennis etiquette and realizing this challenge endeavor is to help our TEAM reach its highest potential.
Both players will report the score of the match immediately to coaches via messages before leaving the court.
Our Current Rankings as of 3/1 are:
Men’s Team
• Gabriel Wiles
• Jack Bouldin
• Noah Gateley
• John Durfee
• Ethan Wiles
• Solomon Hawkins
• Jet Drouillard
• James Frady
• Mason Simmons
• Charlie Durfee
• Connor Liner
• Bryson Samuels
Women’s Team
• Kate Frasier
• Lilly Colwell
• Marian Swindell
• Lorelei Bouldin
• Luciana Quilichini
• Olivia Flaminio
• Brianna Stone
• Tegan Rittenberry
• Amber Mercado
• Alexis Jones
• Avi Rose
• Geneva Hehr